Even short-term stress can lead to unpleasant symptoms such as headaches, stomach cramps, weight gain, and frequent episodes of colds and flu.
If it is chronic, unrelenting stress, it begins to affect the entire body, from digestive and reproductive to immune function.
If left unaddressed, chronic stress can increase the risk of serious diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression and anxiety.
Constant anxiety and stress not only make you irritable, grumpy and nervous, but also negatively affects your bodyweight.
Today, many of us are under more stress than ever due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. But even in pre-pandemic times, many people experienced stress and emotional tension. Approximately 35% of people rated their stress as 6 or 7 on a scale of 1 to 7 compared to the previous month. And when asked «how do they cope with stress,» among the various coping mechanisms they could choose from, 22% reported that they turn to food.
When you feel that emotions and stress are taking over you, eating control helps to bring your feelings under control. And even the foods themselves can increase or decrease stress levels.
For example, cookies and potato chips provide no benefit. These refined carbohydrates elevate blood sugar and then cause it to drop, increasing stress and anxiety.
Healthy food choices, including healthy fats like avocados, eggs, and walnuts, have the opposite effect, creating a favorable hormone signal in the brain that supports satiety, mood regulation, sleep, and energy balance.
The desire to eat cake and drink sweet coffee, or even something stronger during a period of stress, is not your fault. According to Harvard Medical School, when you’re under stress, your body releases hormones that increase your appetite and nudge you towards unhealthy yet delicious and comfort food.
Meanwhile, stress can lead to the loss of lean muscle mass, which reduces metabolism and increases the risk of weight gain.
To create the perfect stress-relieving diet, you need to know a list of foods and come up with a menu that is specially balanced to meet all nutritional needs.
You can choose meals and foods that reduce stress hormones, increase feel-good hormones, and keep energy levels high.
Cooking healthy food may be the last thing you want to do when you’re short on time and stressed out. But rest assured, your time and effort will pay off in large — and you’ll likely notice the benefits of this foods when your stress levels are at their highest.
The main positives are more energy, calmness, a stronger immune system, and maybe even a smaller waist.
When stress sets in, the body releases hormones such as cortisol, insulin, and ghrelin, which can increase hunger and cravings for unhealthy foods.
If the stressful event continues, these hormones remain elevated, raising levels of another hormone called leptin, which helps your body recognize when you’re full. These hormonal changes can increase the risk of a disease called leptin resistance, which is linked to obesity.
Let’s see how to adjust the diet.
At first, sweets help lift your spirits, but the rush of sugar causes your body to eat up reserved energy sources, eventually causing it to crash.
This accident provokes irritability and depletion of reserves, which will aggravate the symptoms of anxiety. If you’re trying to avoid sugar, it’s worth eating plenty of complex carbs and a protein-rich breakfast to start your day right.
Try to avoid «simple» carbohydrates such as sugary snacks and drinks as they can cause blood sugar spikes, which will eventually lead to a drop in blood sugar and a feeling of lethargy.